JVF-M2 Series Outdoor Gas Fireplace
This gas fireplace is equipped at the factory for use with natural gas. If conversion to propane (LP) is desired,
the optional factory-supplied conversion kit must be used.
When using propane (LP), the gas supply cylinder to be used must be:
1) constructed and marked in accordance with the U.S. Department of Transportation (D.O.T.)
Specifications for LP-Gas Cylinders, or the Standard for Cylinders, Spheres and Tubes for
Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Commission, CAN/CSA-B339, as applicable,
2) provided with a listed overfilling prevention device, and
3) provided with a cylinder connection device compatible with the connection for the appliance.
4) If LP is hard plumbed to the fireplace, the propane storage tank must have a pressure regulator
set for 11” w.c. (2.74 kPa).
If a propane hose is used to connect a propane cylinder to the fireplace, the following is required:
Inspect the hose before each use of the fireplace.
The hose assembly must be replaced prior to the fireplace being put into operation if there is evidence
of excessive abrasion or wear or if the hose is damaged. The replacement hose assembly must be a
regulator hose with a QCC-1 connection and an outlet pressure set for 11” w.c. (2.74 kPa).
Locate the hose out of pathways where people may trip over it or in areas where the hose may be
subject to accidental damage.