A qualified service agency should conduct an annual inspection and maintenance of your Vision
Fireplace, its venting, and the installation to keep it running safely. The following procedures should
be performed only by a qualified service person. The gas supply should be turned off whenever a
maintenance procedure is performed. All parts of the fireplace that are removed for servicing must
be replaced prior to operation.
Cleaning the Stones and Burner.
With all parts of the fireplace at room temperature, carefully remove and clean the stones with a
soft bristled brush. Never use a vacuum cleaner to clean the stones. Clean the burner surface with a
brush. Replace the components according to the
section of this manual.
Inspecting the Venting
An inspection of the vent pipe and termination should be made as part of the annual service
appointment. The venting must have no blockage and be in good repair. The vent manufacturer’s
instructions may provide specific details on vent inspection. Any vent sections that are disassembled
must be reassembled and sealed as required.
Resetting the VBM System
The Vision Gas Fireplace with a VBM burner should need to be reset only once, prior to initial use. This
is done as follows:
1. Press and hold the receiver reset button until you hear the second of two beeps.
2. After the second beep release the reset button and, within twenty seconds, press the
button on
the remote until you hear the second of two beeps.
Begin any normal course of troubleshooting with this reset procedure. This reset procedure is not
required with a 24VBM burner