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Remove batteries before storing the Alarm for extended periods. 
Batteries corrode over time and may cause permanent damage to the unit. 
Different types of batteries or new and used batteries should not be mixed. 
Depleted batteries should be removed from the unit and disposed of properly.

To clean the unit housing, use a soft cloth slightly dampened with water and wipe dry. 
Do not use chemical agents as this may damage and discolor the unit.



3. You can adjust the sensitivity of the sensor by using the "+(high)/-(low)" switch.

As a standard you should use the "+" testing. But depending on the surranding
sounds or when used on a sliding glass door, the alarm might be triggered without reason.
In such cases reduce the sensitivity to "-". A breaking of the glass will still be detected.

4. To disarm the unit, toggle switch to "OFF" position.

Note : To test, a cloth can be used to cover the alarm to reduce risk of hearing damage.
