User Display (Continued)
Operating Data Screen
The Operating Data screen can be accessed from the bottom center of the home screen. No login is required to access the
data. It shows conductivity, ion reduction, recovery, water meter, operating mode, system status, and valve status. Return to the
home screen by hitting the “Back” button at the bottom right.
Figure 19: Sample Operating Data Screen
Alarms Screen
The Alarms screen displays alarm history. When an alarm condition occurs a pop-up window alerts the user of a new alarm. To
acknowledge a current Alarm, select the “Acknowledge” icon. The new alarm is added to the Alarm History. Alarms can be reset
by selecting the “Reset” icon.
Figure 20: Sample Alarm Overview Screen
Alarm Configuration
Alarms are preset from the factory for seven operating attributes to alert users of system changes or equipment malfunction: Inlet
Conductivity, Outlet Conductivity, System Pressure, Flow Rate, Water Temperature, Power Supply Current Output (Amps).
Some alarms will shut down the EWS to minimize damage to the system.