Page 10
Chapter 2 Operation
BD500 Broadcast Profanity Delay
©Eventide Inc. 1995-1999
doc release 10
If the WAIT AND EXIT button is pressed erroneously, the process may be cancelled by pressing the WAIT
AND EXIT button again. The unit will go back to the delay it had before WAIT AND EXIT was pressed and
will be static (delay not changing).
DUMP Button
This button has several functions. The primary purpose of this button is to stop a profanity from going out
over the air. This button is illuminated when in-line with a safe amount of delay (specified by safe time). Here
is a list of modes and how the DUMP button works in each mode:
In rebuild or ramp to zero
DUMP causes the unit to delete several seconds (configurable) from the delay line including the audio in-
formation which has most recently been input to the delay line. The amount dumped is configurable and defaults
to 3.00 seconds. When the DUMP button is pressed, the dump amount is subtracted from the current delay.
If the displayed delay is lower than the dump amount, the delay is reduced all the way to 0.00. While the DUMP
button is held down, the delay is held static. After DUMP is released, the unit continues with the previous
mode. Note: Even if the unit is no longer rebuilding, having already reached full delay, the unit will still re-
turn to rebuild mode after DUMP is released.
In configuration
DUMP causes the unit to exit configuration mode and go into bypass mode.
In wait for safe
DUMP causes the unit to stop wait for safe, leaving the delay at 0 seconds.
In bypass, live, or wait and exit
DUMP has no function.
This button is used to cover up an otherwise audible interruption to a program like a sneeze, cough, com-
ment to the caller or engineer, or other undesirable noise.
If the unit is in-line (not bypassed) in profanity delay mode and not in wait for safe or wait and exit mode,
this button will stop accepting input audio while it is held. The delayed audio will continue to be played out,
reducing the delay amount. This would make the listener unaware that a mute occurred. If the delay reaches
0.00, or starts at 0.00, the audio is muted. When SNEEZE is released, the unit goes back to the interrupted
Delay Amount Display
The display consists of a bar graph and a 3-digit numerical display. The numerical portion shows the delay
amount in seconds with optional fractions of seconds. The factory default is to show seconds and hundredths
of seconds with the decimal point appropriately placed. The bar graph indicates what portion of maximum
the unit is delaying. For instance, if the unit is delaying at 3.50 seconds and the unit is configured to have a
maximum of 8 seconds of delay, 6 of the 15 bar graph segments are lit.
The display is configurable to be blank, or to show 1, 2 or 3 digits of resolution of delay length. In bypass the
display will show the safe time.