There are two ways Misha handles changing the key signature when you move to and
from modes: “Preserve Root” and “Preserve Key”. This is a setting in
“Setup/System/Scale Mode”, and the default is “Preserve Root”.
For example, if in a Major scale, in order to get the second mode, Dorian, of the diatonic
scale, you would press in the Scale Knob and rotate it once clockwise. Let’s say you are in
C Major. If your “Scale Mode” is set to “Preserve Root”, then the display will read “C
Dorian” and the notes of the scale will be C-D-Eb-F-G-A-Bb.
If instead you are set to “Preserve Key”, then the display will read “D Dorian” and the
notes of the scale will be D-E-F-G-A-B-C.
In either case, to return to the root, which is to say the top note of the solfege wheel,
one can press ‘home’ - either via MIDI or pressing user 1/2/3/4 if it assigned to one of
those; or, if in Play Menu and not in auto play by means of the button combination of
holding the Scale Knob down and pressing the