Everex Communications, Inc
WT-21 User’s Manual:
WT-21 is a thermostat with a wireless radio which controls the setting of
an Air Conditioning/Heating (AC/Heating) unit based on user’s inputs on a
keypad. There is a LCD on the unit to display the current setting to the user.
WT-21 operates on two AA alkaline batteries and they can last up to 2 years
under normal operation or the unit can be powered from a 24VAC source.
There are 6 buttons on the unit and their functions can be programmed to
meet a specific requirement. However, the most common functions are namely
Off, Cool, Heat, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Fan. The following are the explanation
of these buttons.
– To turn WT-21 and AC/Heating unit off.
– To turn on the cooling function on the AC/Heating unit.
– To turn on the heating function on the AC/Heating unit.
Up Arrow/Down Arrow
– To increase (Up) or decrease (Down) temperature
setting on the AC/Heating unit.
– To change the speed of the fan to high speed or low speed setting.
The LCD displays the current setting of the thermostat. If the user
changes the setting of the AC/Heating unit, WT-21 will update the LCD display
to match the setting of the AC/Heating unit.
Pull the plastic cover from the base plate. Mount the base plate onto the
wall where there is a good circulation of air. Install 2 AA alkaline batteries to the
battery clips on the PCB or connect a 24VAC power source wiring to the screw
terminal. Press the push button to bind WT-21 radio to a host device. Once they
are bound, install the plastic cover back onto the base plate.