EMV1200 FHD / EMV800 FHD Hybrid Mobile DVR
Appendix G: Auto HDD Retry Mechanism
The eZ.HD DVR/MDVR features Auto HDD Retry mechanism, which is designed to automatically
reboot to detect the installed HDDs when encounter HDD fail error.
The Auto HDD Retry mechanism will only activate when all of the HDDs installed in the
DVR/MDVR are failed simultaneously. For example, if your DVR/MDVR installed one HDD,
when one HDD fails, the Auto HDD Retry mechanism activates; if your DVR/MDVR installed
three HDDs, when all of the 3 HDDs fail simultaneously, the Auto HDD Retry mechanism
When a HDD fail error occurs, a HDD Failure icon
will be displayed at the bottom of the
monitor and a “
HDD Failed. Please check HDD(s) and SATA/power cables.
” message will pop-up.
Owing to the Auto HDD Retry Mechanism, the DVR will then automatically reboot to detect the
installed HDDs. If there is no HDD detected, the DVR will start rebooting to detect the HDDs again
and again up to 3 times. During the rebooting process, a “
HDD Failed. Rebooting…
” message will
be displayed. Once the HDDs have been detected, the recording function will automatically
HDD failed. Please check HDD(s)
and SATA/power cables.
Disk Error
HDD Failed. Rebooting…
Note that the DVR/MDVR will automatically reboot to detect HDDs up to 3 times. If the Auto HDD
Retry process exceeds 3 times and the DVR still cannot detect HDDs, an “
Auto HDD Retry exceeds
3 times.
” message will pop-up and a continuous beep sound will be played for notification. It’s
recommended to check the SATA and power cables connected to the HDDs; or replace new HDDs
if necessary.
Disk Error
Auto HDD Retry exceeds 3