EFN3320 Fisheye Camera
Direct High-Speed Connection
In a Direct High-Speed Connection, the camera connects directly to a modem without the need for a
router. You need to set the static or dynamic WAN IP address assigned by your ISP (Internet Service
Provider) in the camera’s configuration web pages. To access the camera, just type “http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”,
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address given by your ISP. If you have a dynamic IP address, this connection
may require that you use DDNS for a reliable connection. Please refer to
7.1.1 Network (DDNS Settings)
Cat 5
Straight Through Cable
High-speed modem
One-to-One Connection (Directly from PC to IP Camera)
You can connect directly without using a switch, router or modem. However, only the PC connected to the
camera will be able to view the IP camera. You will also have to manually assign a compatible IP address to
both the computer and the IP camera. Unless the PC has another network connection, the IP camera will
be the only network device visible to the PC. See the diagram below:
Cat 5
Right: Pinout of a crossed-over cable.