You can configure the recording path / format, source video stream and SD card settings on this page.
Record to Local
This function can only be set up in the Advanced tab. You can configure the storage
path for storing the recordings / snapshot on your PC.
Export Folder: Type the storage path for storing the recordings / snapshot.
File size:
The user can limit the size of each recorded file here (in minutes).
When a single
recording file exceeds the time you set, the system will create a new file to save that data to.
Enable Overwrite: Check the box for overwriting recording/snapshot file when the disk storage
capacity is full. The user can set the storage capacity limitation in the in-sentence box below the
Enable Overwrite setting:
“If the remaining hard disk capacity is less than ____ MB (50~2000),… “
Click Apply to apply the changes or Cancel to cancel the changes and return to the previous settings.
Secure Digital Card
Notification: Select the percentage of storage space that should be left on the card before the
camera notifies you of the impending storage shortage or overwrite.
Event Recording: Select the location where you want the camera to send the impending storage
shortage text notification to.
FTP Back Up Only: Select to send the impending storage shortage text notification to the FTP
server entered in the FTP Repository Settings (see
7.3.3 Notification