The Motion Detector is a Z-Wave
enabled device which is fully compatible with
any Z-Wave
enabled network. Z -Wave
enabled devices displaying the
logo can also be used with the unit regardless of brand. Inclusion of this
Motion Detector in a Wireless Controller system allows remote control of connected
modules when the detector is triggered.
The Motion Detector is designed with two sensors - Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensor
and light sensor - in order to fulfill the purpose of security and home automation.
When the detector is working with se curity appliances, it is acting as a security
device by detecting changes in infra-red radiation levels. If a person moves within
or across the detection field, a trigger radi o signal will be transmit ted to cause full
alarm condition. Alternatively, when the detector is working with home automation
appliances, the detector can detect both changes in infra-red radiation levels and
percentage of lux levels. At night, when a person moves within or across the field
of detection, a trigger radio signal will be transmitted so as to turn on the connected
lightings for better illumination.
Overview and Battery Installation
The PIR Detector adopts a CR2 3.0V Lithium battery which under normal conditions
will have typical lifespan in excess of 1 year. To install the battery, simply undo the
fixing screw and rem ove the rear co ver, and then place the battery into the
compartment with polarity correctly fitted. Then refit and secure the rear cover.
Include to or Exclude from Z-Wave
In the rear casin g, there is a link key (t amper switch) which is used to carry out
inclusion, exclusion, association or reset. When the detector is first powered up,
the LED fla shes on and off alternately and repeatedly at 2-seco nd intervals. It
implies that i t has not been assigned a node ID and cannot work with Z-Wave
enabled devices. The detector will stay “awake” for 10 minutes when power is
first applied to allow time for configuration. Please get familiar with the term s
below before starting the operations.
Add a Z-Wave enabled device (e.g. Motion Detector) to Z-Wave network.
Delete a Z-Wave enabled device (e.g. Motion Detector) from the network.
Association After inclusion, you have to define the re lationship between devices.
Trough association, device can be assi gned as master/slave, and spec ify
which slave is going to be controlled by which master.
Restore Detector to factory default.
The table below lists an operation summary of b asic Z-Wave functions. Please
refer to the instructions for your Z-Wave
Certificated Primary Controller to access
the setup function, and to include/exclude/associate devices. The detect or
executes the function of auto inclusion when…
Auto Inclusion
The function of auto inclu sion will be executed as long as the detector does not
have node ID and in situations where…
1. The power is first applied.
2. The execution of exclusio n/reset is successful where the stored node ID is
Auto inclu sion timeout is 4 minute durin g which the nod e information of
explorer frame will be emit ted once every 5 seconds. Unlike “inclusion” function
as shown in the table below, the execution of auto inclusion is free from pressing
the link key on the detector.
Function Description
No node ID
The Z-Wave Controller does not allocate a
node ID to the unit.
2-second on, 2-second
Tamper Switch
/ Link Key
Fixing Screw