7882DM2-LB4-CA2-ASI Series
DVB-S/S2/S2X Satellite Demodulator
Page - 14
Revision 1.0
4.1.1. RF Tune
Demod 1, 2, 3 and 4
selection tabs are used to tune each individual demodulator as well as to monitor
the health and status of the input signal. The 7882DM2-LB4-CA2-ASI series cards can contain up to
four different demodulators on each module.
Please note that there are up to four channels available on the demodulator for 7882DM2-LB4-CA2-ASI
models. Since each channel has the same parameters, only Channel 1 will be described in this manual.
Assuming a valid RF input is connected to the rear plate of the demodulator, the user can tune to a
certain frequency/ channel by following the steps below:
1. Navigate to the
RF Tune
section of the
2. Select the demodulator channel to tune by selecting the corresponding numbered tab.
3. User can modify the tab name for each demod channel by right clicking on the tab itself. The
name will appear in place of the number of the corresponding tab.
4. Enter the respective parameters for the RF feed.
5. Click
after changing the settings and click
to ensure the values are applied and
taken. Both commands can be found at the top of the web page.
6. The
Lock Status
parameter should read
to confirm the signal is tuned and is able to
check for other RF parameters on the same section.
Demod Tag:
This field enables the user to associate a tag for each demod channel.
Demod Enable:
This field allows the user to enable/ disable the specific demod channel. Only one out
Demod 1
Demod 2
can be locked at a time. Similarly, only one of
Demod 3
Demod 4
be locked at one time. Hence, user can enable the required channels.
Satellite Frequency (MHz):
This field enables the user to enter the Satellite Frequency (MHz) value.
NOTE: User can enter Sat Freq and LNB Freq or only L-Band Freq in Sat Freq field.
LNB Frequency (MHz):
This field enables the user to enter the standardized Local Oscillator
Frequency (LO) value.
NOTE: Lband Frequency = Satellite Frequency - LOF Frequency (for Ku)
Standardized LOF is 5150 for C-Band and 10750 for Ku-band.
When the LOF is C-band the formula is
Lband Frequency = LOF Frequency - Satellite Frequency
Symbol Rate (kSps):
This field enables the user to enter a symbol rate in Ksymbols/s.
ISI Select:
This filed allows the user to enter a specific ISI for multiple stream input.