EVS Broadcast Equipment SA
used in controlling software like Synapse Set-up to show the event.
The Tag
The tag is also defined in the card. The tag has a fixed meaning. When
controlling or monitoring software should make decisions based on events,
it is easier to use the tag instead of interpreting a string. The first
implementation is the tag controlled switch in the GPI16.
In cases where the event marks a change to fault status (e.g. 1 for Loss of
Input) the complement is marked by the tag increased by 128 (80
) (e.g.
129 (81
) for Return of Input).
Defining Tags
The tags defined for the DIO88 are:
Event Menu Item
Tag Description
0 or NA
0 or NA
Announcing of report
and control values
Audio-Data 01
Reference-Status 02
reference lost or
The Priority
The priority is a user-defined value. The higher the priority of the alarm,
the higher this value. Setting the priority to Zero disables the
announcement of this alarm. Alarms with priorities equal or higher than
the Error Threshold setting of the RRC/RRS will cause the Error LED on
the Synapse rack front panel to light.
The Address
Together with the message string or the tag, the slot number or address of
the card is relevant to be able to assign the event to a certain card.