7.0 S of tware op eration
7.5 IP address
The SBOX-L-01 uses a static IP address. The default ad-
dress is
Changing the IP address
1. Create a file called “ip_changer.conf” on your PC
2. Insert the following content:
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
3. Change the IP addresses to your needs. Make sure that
the “/24” stays behind the static IP address.
4. Put the file on an USB Stick.
5. Remove all cables from the SBOX-L-01
6. Open the Box
7. Insert USB Stick into the controller
8. Close the Box
9. Plug in the power cable into the SBOX-L-01
10. Switch on the SBOX-L-01
11. Wait 5 Minutes
12. Switch off the SBOX-L-01
13. Remove all cables from the SBOX-L-01
14. Open the Box
15. Remove USB Stick
16. Close Box
17. Connect all cables again
18. If everything worked, the USB Stick has the following
empty file on it:
update_ip_address_successfull_from_”Name of the
USB Stick”