Copyright 1991, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 all rights reserved by EXACOM, Inc.
4.33 Generating Record Warning Tones
1) To generate Record Warning Tones, set SW1 Switch 8 to the ON position.
2) With SW1 Switch 6 in the OFF position the Record Warning Tone is
maximum volume.
3) To decrease the volume of the Record Tone, on SW1 set Switch 6 to the
ON position and adjust the un-labeled potentiometer on the rear panel
for the desired level.
This tone is a half second "beep" occurring once
every fifteen seconds (when the corresponding line is
recording). The tone is transmitted on the secondary pair. In
some instances, other recording equipment will already be
generating this tone, if so, leave the VCR-2020 tone disabled.
When the tone is used, the secondary pair must be the
transmitting side of a four wire connection, or must be
"jumpered" to the primary pair.
4.34 Adjusting Gain
The VCR-2020 can be configured so that the receive pair (primary) is more sensitive
than the transmit pair (secondary).
1) To Decrease the gain of the primary pair by 6 dB, set SW1, Switch 4 to
the ON position.
2) To Decrease the gain of the secondary pair by 6dB, set SW1, Switch 5
to the ON position.
4.35 AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
In addition to the adjustable gain by 6 dB as described in Section 4.34 the VCR-2020
Console is equipped with an Automatic Gain Control. The AGC will take a large range
of input signals (0 to -30dB) and amplify them to a standard RMS value.
1) To disable AGC, set SW2 Switch 1 to the ON position
The AGC range is not field adjustable!