Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2009
viii. Reference Information
Complete Command Reference
Set commands
These commands alter the current or working settings in memory only. They will be lost
if the Q53 is turned off then on. To ensure this does not happen, be sure to issue a "
command so the current settings get written to Flash.
list [default|stored] radio
Lists the version, model number, RF
channel and receiver state for each Zigbee
radio in the Q53.
list [default|stored] snmp
List SNMP configuration.
list [default|stored] sysinfo
List the current Q53 system information
(e.g. contact name and protocol stacks
list [default|stored] user
List the current user definitions (e.g. user
names and types).
list uptime
List the time the unit has been powered up
since the last power cycle. (e.g. "Uptime: 12
days, 22:50:23").
list [default|stored] zbmac
List all current Zigbee settings (e.g. RF
channel selections, PAN ID filter and
Extended Address Filters).
list zbnwk
Displays the current Zigbee network status,
including the MAC address, PAN ID,
Network Neighbour Table and Network
Routing Table.
list zbnwktest
Displays whether the Zigbee network test is
currently running, along with the test
list zipt
Displays the host names of the remote
Zigbee bridge devices, as well as the UDP
port number used to transport Zigbee
messages over the IP network.
Table 5—Set Command Options
Command Syntax
set sysinfo hostname hostname
Set a hostname for use with DDNS.
For example:
set sysinfo hostname
Table 4—List Command Options
Command Syntax