Tunable Laser Source
Remote Control
The IQ-2600B can be remotely controlled by either the
GPIB interface (through a GPIB cable connected to the GPIB port), or
RS-232 interface (through a serial cable connected to the serial port).
The commands used in both protocols are the same and described in the
following pages.
If you have already designed a GPIB program to control a tunable laser
source from EXFO’s FLS Series (FLS-2600B), you can reuse sections for the
SCPI Commands
Command Structure
The GPIB commands follow the guidelines determined by the Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) consortium. For
example, the command syntax:
is used to change the measurement display resolution (number of digits
after the decimal point) for an IQ-2600B Tunable Laser Source.
In this particular example,
FORM identifies that the command is a part of the SCPI FORMat subset
of commands.
(0..26) is the module address modifier and identifies the specific
module to which the command is addressed.
For more information about the address modifier and choosing a
module, please refer to the
IQ-200 Optical Test System
Commands sent to the IQ Optical Test System do not require the address
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