5. aVoid Blade
Always assume the
blade is turning when
the engine is running.
put your hand
or any part of the body, in or anywhere
close to the blade path when the engine is
running. This applies even if the mower is
equipped with a blade
brake clutch.
is little clearance
between the outer
ends of the blade
and the inside surface
of the housing. An injury can result if the
operator of a lawn mower puts his or her
hand in the path of a turning blade when
attempting to clear a plugged discharge
port, or when changing the height-of-cut
without turning off the engine. To depend
entirely on the mechanical or electrical
safely devices is not good enough. Use
caution and common sense as well.
clear the chute with the engine
running. Turn off the engine and be sure
the blade has stopped before making any
adjustments or corrections. Use a stick to
clear a plugged discharge area.
use your hand!
6. neVer alloW
children to
oPerate a laWn
A lawn mower is not a
toy, and cutting grass
is not child’s play.
Maturity varies greatly
among children, but
a good rule to follow is: If you’re not
comfortable with them driving your
automobile, you should not allow them
to operate a lawn mower — whether it is
a walk behind or riding mower.
Only adults and mature teenagers should
operate a mower, and even mature
teenagers should have adult supervision.
Be sure a teenager:
1) Has the ability to read and understand
the Operator’s Manual and to
recognize the risks involved.
2) Is sufficiently mature to use caution.
3) Is of sufficient size and weight to
operate the controls comfortably and
to manage the mower without
taking risks.
If you have doubts or questions,
take the risk! Make sure all
persons operating the mower read and
understand the Operator’s Manual first
and are familiar with the controls.
7. Wear aPProPriate clothing
Dress for the job of cutting grass.
This means substantial shoes (no
sandals, tennis shoes, etc.) and full
length trousers must be worn.
mow barefooted. Be aware that loose
clothing or dangling jewelry can become
entangled in
moving mower
parts and lead to
an accident.
To be properly
dressed for the
job, goggles
or similar eye
protection is recommended.
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