gStrength User Manual
Do not use this product for climbing or attached to any device or human being. You are responsible for
your own actions. Before using, read and understand all instructions and warnings. Serious injury or
death could result in failure to use this device as it was intended. It is an assessment tool, not a life
saving device. Contact Exsurgo Technologies if you are unsure how to use this product.
Before you begin:
When you receive your gStrength, you will need to do a few things to get going. We will go over how to
install batteries, download an app for your phone or tablet, download an app for your mac or pc.
Depending on what you use, these steps will help you set up your device. Do know this can take some
time to get right and we have tried to make it as seamless as possible.
PART 1: gStrength Battery and App/Program Install
Installing batteries:
When you get the gStrength, there are no batteries installed. To install batteries you will need the
A phillips or flat head screwdriver
3 brand new AA batteries
Battery Install
Place the gStrength with the Exsurgo
Tech logo facing up. There are 4 screws holding
the battery cover in place.
Remove the 4 screws and save them.
Remove the Exsurgo Tech cover and
save it.
Install the 3 AA batteries making note of
the orientation of the batteries.
Once the batteries are installed,
proceed to installing an app or program.
Note: We typically leave the cover off until we
confirm connectivity and the device is working
properly. You can put the battery cover back on
if you wish or wait until the app install is
Installing an app or program:
To use the gStrength you need a way to be able to read the data coming from the device. We will outline
the apps we use and explain how to use the app but we will not go over how to download and install