382095 V4.1 7/06
Measurement of Maximum Demand
Set the time interval for maximum demand (refer to section V)
The analyzer will integrate the KW and KVA over the specified interval.
The maximum demand (MD) updates if new demand is greater than the previous value.
In the following example, the maximum demand is 527.4VA and 527.4W. The time interval for maximum
demand is 2 minutes.
Waveform of Voltage and Current
Press this button to display the waveforms for voltage and current simultaneously.
Press this to select different inputs (V1, I1), (V2, I2), or (V3, I3).
NOTE: The triggering point is the zero crossing point of V1 for V2, V3, I2, and I3. The triggering point
for I1 is its own zero crossing point in case V1 is not present.
NOTE: In the waveform display mode, one period/cycle of 1024 data points is displayed.