installation example
One must also bear in mind all laws and national, regional, provincial and town council regulations in force in the country in which the appliance has been
installed, as well as the instructions contained in this manual.
Max. 1.5 m - max.
2 elbows
Hermetic installation
Fiandra Idro is a completely sealed product with respect to the installation environment, which makes it ideal for passive houses, as it does
not take air from inside the homes.
combustion air
To respect the air-tight seal of the stove, the combustion air connection pipe must be directly connected to the outside using specific sealed
fittings and pipes.
Fumes exHaust sYstem
If the generator has a fume temperature below 160°C+ (ambient temperature due to high efficiency, see technical data), the fumes
exhaust system must be resistant to humidity.
Should there be a possibility of the fumes condensating, provide an inspection "T" outside the stove.