HD Player
Chapter 5: HD Player Configuration
Rev. 6.8
Enable AV Sync
Select this option to allow the HD Player Software to force synchronization between audio and video during
A typical MPEG file consists of a separate audio and video stream played back together. The MPEG specification
contains extensive time-stamping mechanisms to ensure that during playback the audio and video remain
synchronized The Electrosonic HD Player has built in logic to process time-stamps within an MPEG stream and
use these timestamps to actively synchronize the video to the audio
The “Enable AV Sync” option can be used to enable or disable the synchronization algorithm. When the option is
unchecked the audio and video streams are decoded without regard for each other. This will result in solid and
stable video and audio playback but they may drift apart relative to each other – particularly during looping.
When the option is checked the synchronization algorithm is employed and any time-stamp discrepancies are
Base Channel Number
Set this number to identify a specific HD Player (for remote control purposes) in a system utilizing multiple HD
Players. Default is 1.
Enter the appropriate Base Channel Number into the Text Command Protocol command structure – refer to
Chapter 12, Remote Control Protocols for more information.
Audio Output Format
The HD Player supports three different audio output modes, which can be selected from a drop down list. To
change the audio output mode, click over the window and select the required setting.
No Audio Decode
This mode will disable the audio decode.
Select this option when the HD Player is used in a system environment, where the audio is provided by an
external, timecode locked, digital audio playback device.
Output Stereo
Select this mode to use the built in AC3 audio decoder and output the two primary channels in the stream through
the stereo audio jack.
Output AC3 – SPDIF (5.1)
Select this mode to utilize the SPDIF output on the Electrosonic Decoder Card.
When this mode is selected the AC3 audio in the MPEG file is embedded inside an SPDIF (IEC-61937 formerly
IEC-958) digital signal. This mode requires an external Dolby Digital® decoder to interpret the digital stream.
For more information on SPDIF please see the appendix at the end of this manual.
Output Standard
The HD Player supports two different output formats, which can be selected from a drop down list. To change the
output format, click over the window and select the required setting.
Output RGBHV