Installing the Synchroniza6on Kit
What’s included ?
Installing the synchroniza6on kit
1. Plug GPIO Cable to Projector and Synchronizer (”SYN. IN”)
2. Plug Power Module to Synchronizer (between ”LINK 3” and ”SYN. IN”)
3. Place IR emifer to have the best reflec6on
4. Plug XLR cable to IR Emifer and Synchronizer (”LINK 1”)
5. If more than one IR Emifer is needed, repeat step 3 and 4 with extra IR Emifer and XLR Cable
6. Switch Synchronizer Distribu6on Module ”A B” switch to posi6on ”B”
7. Switch Synchronizer Polarity switch to posi6on ”+”
8. Switch Synchronizer ”on off” switch to posi6on ”on”
Using the IR Tester
The IR tester is designed to help the theatre staff to check that every pair of glasses handed to a
customer is working correctly.
The IR tester is very easy to use : press the bufon on the side to turn it on. Place the glasses close
enough to the case and they will flash.
The IR tester ac6vates the glasses at a low frequency of 12 Hz (or 12 moves per second), vs. 144 Hz
during a screening, so the eyes can see the liquid crystal shufers opening and closing.
If you can’t see the shufers opening and closing, check if the bafery is correctly charged. If not, place it
on the charging sta6on. If the bafery is charged, the glasses are malfunc6oning what means they
should not be handed to a customer in any case.
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Infrared (IR) emi>er
IR Tester