Page N-5
Repair and Service Manual
Read all of Section B and this section before attempting any procedure. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings.
3. Lift the top (3) off of the struts and set it aside.
4. Remove the access cover (1) by sliding a flat screw-
driver under the edge of it and prying it away from the
instrument panel, repeat for the other side.
5. Remove the two hex head bolts (11) from each side
that secure the front strut to the vehicle, lift the strut
(4) up until it clears the instrument panel and cowl.
6. Remove the rubber grommets (14 & 15) from the front
strut holes if they did not come off with the struts.
7. Remove two hex bolts (9) from one rear strut (5 or 6)
then, repeat for the other side.
1. Place the rubber grommets (14 & 15) into the holes in
the front cowl making sure that they are oriented prop-
erly for each side. The grommet should follow the con-
tour of the body.
2. Position the front strut (4) with the bend angled to the
rear of the vehicle, slide the strut through the grom-
mets and into position. Looking through the access
holes align the holes in the strut with the holes in the
frame and insert the hex head bolts (11). Do not
tighten hardware.
3. Position the rear struts (5 & 6) so that they are bent to
the outside of the vehicle and the top legs point to the
rear of the vehicle. Align the mounting holes in each
strut with the matching holes in the seat back support,
install the hex head bolts (9) finger tight only.
4. Place the top onto the struts and install two hex head
bolts (13) and spacers (12) at the front through the
struts, place the nuts (10) only finger tight.
5. Install four hex head bolts (8) and hex nuts (10)
through the rear struts (5 & 6) only finger tight.
6. Make sure that the grommets (14 & 15) on the front
strut (4) are in place.
7. Tighten all fasteners to the proper torque.
8. Replace the access covers (1) in the instrument
DO NOT over tighten fasteners. Exceeding the specified
torque value will crush the strut tubes.
133 - 159 in. lbs (15 - 18 Nm)
9, 11
177 - 203 in. lbs (20 - 23 Nm)