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Test the chimney thoroughly
We recommend that a smoke test is carried out to check for gas �ghtness within your flue and for chimney draughts. Lining and
insula�ng your chimney before installa�on is highly recommended. Ensure there is adequate access to the chimney to allow for
sweeping on a regular basis.
Consider addi�onal ven�la�on
Air Damper
We strongly recommend that you consider ven�la�on requirements before installa�on of your appliance. If your appliance smokes or
does not burn very keenly, but improves no�ceably when you open a window, this is a sign that you need to install addi�onal
ven�la�on. See Ven�la�on - Introduc�on and Safety sec�on for more informa�on.
Make sure that the area in which the appliance is to be fi�ed is suitable for this appliance. Walls adjacent to the appliance should be
of a suitable non-combus�ble construc�on material, preferably brick, as this appliance can reach external temperatures of up to and
above 300°C. Check adequate precau�ons are taken to prevent touching hot appliances. Always use adequate heat proof protec�on,
such as the supplied glove, when opera�ng the metal handle as it will become hot during use and for some �me a�erwards.
It is recommended that chimneys with a strong up draught be fi�ed with a flue damper or draught stabiliser to allow the chimney
draught to regulate properly. No damper should close the flueway completely - not less than 20% of the total chimney or flue pipe
should remain open at all �mes.
Adjustment points on the appliance
The door handle has a sophis�cated adjustment system, however, it comprises of
only 4 parts and can be adjusted very simply from the outside. Over �me, the door
rope will fla�en and the seal may start to let uncontrolled air into the appliance.
This may allow unwanted air into the combus�on box and could increase the
speed of the burn. This will affect the controllability of the appliance and at this
point, you should adjust the handle;
Insert the supplied Allen key into the hole in the side of the door containing
Adjus�ng the handle
the set-screw. Turn it an�-clockwise to slacken the set-screw un�l the door
handle becomes loose. Once loose, turn the handle the correct way as shown
in the drawing to the le�. On comple�on, slowly re-�ghten the set-screw un�l
the handle is set properly and the door shuts �ghtly again.