5. When the closing stop point or limit switch is reached, the motor pauses for approximately 2
seconds, and then restarts with a total opening maneuver to the opening stop point or limit
6. When the full open stop or limit switch is reached the gate(s) will stop.
7. Wait for the amount of time you would like your gate(s) to pause for during normal operation
before automatically re-closing and then signal your opener using an OPEN A contact or trans-
mitter signal to close the gate(s). The gate(s) will then return to closed and programming will be
(Even if your auto close is off you must still set a pause time, the pause time
will not be used in normal gate operation.)
Dual gates are programmed simul-
taneously. Move both of the leafs to
the same starting position and both
leafs will move together through
the same programming sequence.
There is a slight starting delay on
the slave side.