Repeat the test after an additional 10 minutes if it fails to clear after the first
attempt at 5 minutes.
Check that any other open flue appliances and their flues in the same or adjoining
rooms functions correctly when this appliance is alight.
Flame Supervision & Blocked Flue Monitoring System
The pilot unit incorporates a system, which will shut off the gas supply if the flue is faulty.
If the flue is faulty, the hot flue gasses will pass over and actuate a heat sensitive switch,
which will shut off the gas supply.
This monitoring system (TTB) must not be adjusted, bypassed or put
out of operation. This TTB, or any of its parts, must only be exchanged using Faber
International authorised parts.
Check setting pressure
The appliance is preset to give the correct heat input. No further adjustment is necessary.
Fit a pressure gauge at the test point to check the working pressure.
Fit a pressure gauge at the test point to check the setting pressure. The pressure should be
checked with the appliance alight and at max. input.
If the setting pressure is not correct then check the working pressure. After checking the
pressure, turn off the appliance. Remove the pressure gauge and close the sealing screw.
Re-light the appliance. Turn to max. input and test around the test point D for gas
soundness using a suitable leak detection fluid.
Fig. 6.3
Pressure test point
Spillage test point
Fig. 6.2