and Tools" field
2. Modify the settings in the cursor properties dialogue field.
Copying measured values for the harmonics using the clipboard
You can transfer measured values for the harmonics to other applications using
the clipboard.
1. Highlight each measured value you wish to transfer to another application in
the table or right click on the table and choose the
Select all
menu item from
the context menu.
2. To copy the measured values you have selected to the clipboard,
right click
the table. Pick the
Copy selected values to the clipboard
menu item from the
context menu.
3. Switch to the other application and click the paste symbol or select the
menu item from the
Displaying the measured values of sidebands
If the sideband cursor or HS cursor is selected, this field is displayed in the
information area. It contains the measured values that most closely correspond
to the defined sidebands.
table displays the measured values for the relevant sidebands
Modifying the settings for the sideband cursor
You can modify the settings used to calculate the sidebands via the sideband
cursor properties.
1. To modify the settings click on the
Cursor properties
symbol in the "Navigation
and Tools" field