In addition, you can mark an RFID tag as defective with
RFID defective
if the
Detector could not recognize it and you manually selected the measuring point.
6.7.2 Performing the measurement
The measuring procedure consists of several steps and runs off automatically as
described in CM-measurement
Initialize the sensor and set the amplification factor
Record the time signals, calculate the FFTs and the characteristic values.
After the measurement is complete, the measured values are displayed
6.7.3 Display of values measured
You can view measured time signals or trends directly once the measurement
has been carried out or by selecting previous measurements in the display.
All time signals used to calculate the characteristic values (depending on the
configuration) are available directly after the measurement has been carried out,
also if the option "Do not save time signals“ is selected in the configuration.
Depending on the configuration, it is possible when viewing a previous
to view certain time signals or trends.