Documentation Change Request
• MP-72/52 • MP-73/53 • PN 98-0002-29 • REV 1709.13
Please give us your input!
In an effort to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information
possible, Trans-Lux/Fair Play has provided this form, which you can use to
request any changes or updates that you think is necessary to this User Guide.
Please fill out this form, include the location of the requested change, and
provide detailed comments so that we can better serve you.
Mail, or FAX this form to:
Trans-Lux/Fair Play
Attn: Documentation Department
1700 Delaware Ave.
Des Moines, IA. 50317
Fax: 515-285-3364
Please include Chapter title, and heading, if applicable, and the page number
shown on hard copy printout.
Date of requested change:
MP 70 or MP-50?
Wireless/battery options?
Location of requested change:
Requested change, and reason for request: