Warning Indications
Low Battery Indication
The battery power is running low,
please replace with a new battery.
Over-load Indication
The weighing subject on the platform
exceeds the maximum capability of scale.
Please step off to avoid damage.
Low Fat% Indication
The Fat% is too low. Please lead a more
nutritional diet and take good care of yourself.
High Fat% Indication
The Fat% is too high. Please watch your
diet and do more exercise.
Error exists, please re-test to get
the correct result.
To ensure accuracy, please remove your shoes & socks before stepping on.
Example: the 3rd user, female, 168cm, 28 years old can measure as follow:
(2)To Start Measuring
(Make sure your feet are touching with metal electrodes on
the scale platform, or body fat can not be measured.)
Power off
to switch on
Show parameters
of the last user or
default parameters
to select user
code or reset
Step onto weighing
platform gently
(both feet touching with
metal electrodes)
LCD shows
Wait until the
digits stabilize
Weight readings locked
and flash once
Shut down automatically
Measured results (Repeat for 3 times and saved. The reading will re-appear
at next measuring for users' reference):
Weight: 52.8kg, Fat status ,Fat 23.8%, Hydration 52.3%, Muscle 37.2%,
Bone 12%, Calorie 1840.
Tap on the
scale platform