- F
help you configure and evaluate FALCOM devices). A
ll MAMBOII devices are pre-
configured to work with the default settings. So all default settings must be changed
and adapted to your application conditions
(including: GPRS settings of your provider,
the remote server settings and the PIN of the used SIM card -
manual). When the configuration of the MAMBOII is done, it tries to register itself into the
GSM network. Once it is successfully registered into the GSM network, it can start
automatically to establish a GPRS connection
(depending on the GPRS configuration –
and by means of TCP settings (
connection to the remote server.
Once the MAMBOII is attached to the GPRS network over the Basis Station, temporary a
dynamic IP-address will be allocated by the MAMBOII device from the GPRS network.
With the help of the IP-address that constantly changes, the GPRS network enables
MAMBOII device to perform a TCP connection to the used remote server (to the
specified IP address and Port number). By means of these IP addresses as object
identifiers, all MAMBOII device can be direct configured from the remote server.
Such online applications enable you tracking and monitoring in a short time several 100
vehicles (objects) equipped with a MAMBOII device.
Furthermore, the data transmitted from MAMBOII device is received in real time. The
MAMBOII device can be programmed so that the vehicle location and additional
information will be received not only via a TCP server, but also via SMS.
The operating firmware 2.4.0 and later offers a rich set of events, states and commands
that you can use to customize high-performance web solutions. The solution
architecture varies with the type of application you decide to create.
Depending on the configuration settings that is loaded on the device, the MAMBOII is
capable of using up to three different system solutions:
This system solution supports SMS, Voice call and Data call. Using only these
features you are able a speedy development of communication services,
which do not require GPRS and TCP configurations. The configuration of both
services (GPRS/TCP) can be in such case disabled. To control your MAMBOII
device you can send via SMS all commands given in this document. Also via
SMS you will be notified when an alarm is triggered in the MAMBOII device. To
use SMS services, users need a subscription to a mobile network that supports
it, and the use of SMS must be enabled for that user. The user needs to have
a phone number for the MAMBOII device or a SMS server to send a short
message to, or receive a message from. On the SMS server side, you can
install several solutions to enable receiving of SMS messages or forwarding
them to other systems. Finally, the user also needs a mobile phone that
supports SMS and knowledge of how to send or read a short message
(command or responses).
The MAMBOII device supports TCP/IP application, an Internet based
application that allows access via the World Wide Web (www). Since the
Internet is just a medium for computers to "talk" to each other, it enables you
to track, message or monitor the MAMBOII units at almost any PC in any
location around the world (see figure above). The presence of the remote
server is an essential prerequisite, which is needed to log in the MAMBOII units
to the used remote server. A computer (PC client) connected to the Internet
with the pre-installed standard web browser is also necessary (see chapter
, page
). To be able to monitor and control such systems solutions both
GSM and GPRS/TCP configuration settings have to be done. MAMBOII is able
to contact you via E-mail – in this case you have to configure SMTP services,
Real-Time Navigation
MAMBOII is also a high-capacity navigation system, which
connects your Bluetooth™-enabled device with the performance of an
intelligent and dynamic destination guidance. The Bluetooth feature for
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