2515 Bypass Road Flemingsburg, KY 41041
Instructions for Installation and Care of Bobcat 3400 Full Cab Enclosure
Notice: Do not smoke inside the cab or expose the enclosure to direct flames. Cab is Flammable.
Be sure to read these instructions thoroughly before opening and installing the enclosure. The installation is
best done when the temperature is 70 degrees F. or warmer. This is to allow the Velcro to stick to the roll
cage better, if you must install outside in the cold it will help to warm the Velcro inside at room temperature
until ready to install.
Carefully open the carton and remove the rolled up Cab Enclosure on a large flat surface that is clean
and free of dirt or other material that may soil or scratch the windows of the Cab.
It will help to raise the bed prior to installing the cab enclosure.
Check over the parts included in the carton with the parts list shown below:
Velcro Hook strips: 2 each
4” long
“ “
4 each
10” long
“ “
1 each
55” long
Snap studs
21 each (1 extra)
Cab Enclosure
1 each
If any parts are damaged or missing please contact customer service at (606) 845-7439.
Begin by raising the bed of the Ranger and cleaning the metal piece that runs along the bottom. After
cleaning it off affix the 55” adhesive Velcro strip centered along the back at the bottom. Now place the
cab enclosure on the Ranger, it is easier if you have two people holding it up and from the front walk it
up and over to get it on the roll cage. Once it is on, zip up the doors and make sure that the cab is
centered and in place.
Now start in the rear and pull the Velcro down and attach it to the adhesive strip you have already placed
along the rear. It should reach to the bottom and be centered; you may have to try a few of times until it
is where you want it to be.
Next take the three straps on the nose and attach them to the front of the Ranger. The middle strap is
longer and will go down and wrap around the bar that is in the hole along the bottom portion of the
bumper. The two side straps wrap around the top bumper bar on each side. If you have a winch, it may
interfere with the center strap, in this case you may not use it, the side straps are enough to hold the
nose. The photo on the next page will help show you where to place the straps.