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Hinkspix Adapter- This shows the adapter your will need to connect a HinksPix smart receiver to the tester due
to the wiring layout of the HinksPix.
Troubleshooting Practices
When you are trying to troubleshoot problems with your show, you should test only one item at a time and that is
where the F-Test comes in handy since you only need the one tester to test about every component.
It is recommended to start at the pixels and move backwards through every component to isolate your problem. For
example, connect the F-test in between the controller and the pixels. Use the Pixel Output tester function to test the
pixels, if they work, then the problem is either the controller or something before that, or the connection itself. With the
F-Test still connected, go to the Pixel Input function and see if you are getting data there, if you are, then you know the
problem is on the connector itself. If not, then you move on to testing the controller/receiver etc. eliminating one thing
at a time until you find your problem.