"Bypass", "Battery", "Booster" and "Reducer".
Output Frequency
This shows the current UPS output current in Hz.
Output Voltage
This shows the current UPS output voltage in Volts.
Output Power
This shows the current output Power in Watts.
Output Power
This shows the current output Power in VA.
Output Current
This shows the current output Current in Amps.
Output Load
This shows the current load on the UPS in terms of percentage.
Alarm Table
This menu will refresh automatically.
Number of Active Alarms
Number of current active UPS alarms.
Last Alarm
Display last UPS alarm.
Alarm ID
Sequential number, it indicates the sequence of activation of alarms. This number will be reset
after USHA reboot.
Alarm Time
UPS alarm activation time on USHA.
(Note: The date / time depends on the clock in USHA.)
Alarm Description
Complete UPS alarm description.