To specify a CPC receiver:
From keypad:
< Receiver >
From phone:
< Receiver > #
Alarm Receiver 1
Alarm Receiver 2
Sequence Receiver 3
Sequence Receiver 4
Sequence Receiver 5
Sequence Receiver 6
Test alarm/Routine call receiver
Technical alarm receiver
Information alarm receiver
Dial tone detection
ECII™ Flex has a function which makes it possible to first wait for a dial tone before the call out
sequence starts. In default mode the ECII™ Flex waits 3 seconds and then initiates the call. If
dial tone detection is activated the ECII™ Flex will require a 425 Hz dial tone in order to initiate
the call.
Dial tone detection is activated with:
From keypad:
From phone:
040 #
To deactivate the dial tone detection:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 040 #
Speech messages
It is possible to record two different speech messages, one played in the loudspeaker of the
ECII™ Flex to inform and calm the passengers in the lift and one played to the receiver to
identify the originating location of the alarm call. Each message can be 16 seconds long.
Speech message 1; for the cabin
This message is activated and played one time in the lift when the alarm is activated.
Recording of message 1:
From keypad:
< wait for tone; read message. Max 16 seconds >
From phone:
< wait for tone; read message. Max 16 seconds >
Listening to message 1:
From keypad:
162187 Manual FältCom ECII™ Flex
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