This becomes powerful when you desire to program special functions within a song. Perhaps
you want P5 and P6 to trigger patches that act like IA switches and send commands to a Looper
system. Then you can use P1-P4 as normal presets to change sounds- but when P5/P6 are
pressed, the act to Start/Stop/Record with the looper. Pressing P5 or P6 would not affect the
current state of the IA switches which were set from the previous normal preset. The uses are
powerful, especially when combined with Step-Thru functions.
Selecting this option determines that upon entering this preset, no special action will be taken
with regard to the IA switches. No commands will be resent just because you switched to this
preset. In most cases, this should be your default setting.
When a preset is configured to RESEND IA COMMANDS, you are asking it to re-send any and all
commands stored in an IA switch that is initially configured as ON or OFF in the preset. If you
have selected an IA switch to begin GREEN (ON), this will re-send all IA commands for the ON
messages. If the IA switch is RED (OFF), this will re-send all IA commands for the OFF messages.
If the IA switch is not lit (inactive), nothing in that IA switch will be sent for this preset.
Each Preset provides the ability to create up to 12 override commands. An override command
can change 1 or many IA Switches, either ON or OFF messages. Perhaps you have a preset that
requires the functionality of the ON messages of IA Switch S1 to behave differently. Perhaps you
need to modify the ON and OFF messages of S1. Overrides will allow you to make those
temporary changes.
ANY and ALL presets that do NOT have overrides assigned, will allow IA Switches to function as
globally assigned.