Chapter 6 Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
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HD3N-L Series User Manual V1.0
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
DO1 function
0 - 21 [2]
DO2 function
0 - 21 [3]
RLY1 function
0 - 21 [14]
RLY2 function
0 - 21 [0]
0: Unused.
Leave the output terminals in a state of no function and do nothing.
1: Controller is ready.
When the controller is not faulty, outputs ON signal.
2: Controller is running.
The controller is in the running state, output indicator signal.
3: Zero-speed running.
The controller output speed is 0, but when it is in the running state, outputs ON signal.
4: Zero-speed.
The controller output speed is 0, output ON signal.
5: Run contactor output control.
To open or close the output contactor.
6: Brake output control.
To open or close the brake.
7,8: FDT1, FDT2.
Refer to F05.12 - F05.13
9: Speed within signal (FAR).
When output speed of the controller is within the FAR detect range (F05.16), output indicator signal.
The indication signal will also output at stop.
10: Up signal output.
When the elevator runs up, outputs ON signal.
11: Down signal output.
When the elevator runs down, outputs ON signal.
12: Under-voltage.
When the controller is in the process of undervoltage, output ON signal.
13: Unused.
14: Controller fault.
When the controller has fault, output ON signal.
15 - 19: Unused.
Output terminal logic setting
0 - 0xF [0]
Defines that each bit (binary) represents different output terminal.
0: Positive logic. When output terminals are connected to corresponding common port, this logic is
enabled. Otherwise the logic is disabled.
1: Negative logic. When output terminals are connected to corresponding common port, this logic is
disabled. Otherwise the logic is enabled.