Chapter 6 Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
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HD3N-L Series User Manual V1.0
Fault History (F17.11 - F17.27)
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
F17.11 NO.5 fault type
[Actual value]
F17.12 Setting freqency at NO.5 fault
F17.13 Output frequency at NO.5 fault
F17.14 DC bus vlotage at NO.5 fault
F17.15 Output voltage at NO.5 fault
F17.16 Output current at NO.5 fault
F17.17 Input terminal status at NO.5 fault
F17.18 Output terminal status at NO.5 fault
F17.19 NO.5 fault interval
F17.20 NO.4 fault type
F17.21 NO.4 fault interval
F17.22 NO.3 fault type
F17.23 NO.3 fault interval
F17.24 NO.2 fault type
F17.25 NO.2 fault interval
F17.26 NO.1 fault type
F17.27 NO.1 fault interval
F17.12 - F17.19 record status parameters of the controller at the last fault.
F17.20 - F17.27 record the type and interval per time of four faults before the latest. The unit of interval is 0.1
F18: PWM Control Parameters
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
F18.00 Carrier frequency
1 - 16 [8kHz]
Defines the carrier frequency of PWM output wave.
The carrier frequency will affect the operating noise of the motor. The higher the carrier frequency, the
lower the noise made by the motor. Please properly set the carrier frequency.
When the value > the factory setting, the controller should be derated by 5% when per 1kHz is increased
compared to the factory setting.
F18.01 Carrier freqency auto adjust selection
0,1 [0]
0: Reserved.
1: Enable.
F18.02 PWM overmodulation enable
0,1 [1]
0: Disabled.
1: Enable.
F18.03 PWM overmodulation mode
0,1 [0]
0: Two phase/three phase swtich.
1: Three phase.