Rheometer Instruction Manual
Revision E, September 2014
Appendix A API Profiles
Review the following table and notes to better understand the API Profiles.
mode only, if 1 point recording is specified, it
will be the stabilized reading or Peak reading. If 2 points are
specified, they will be recorded at the start and end of the step. If
recording interval is specified, then recording will start
immediately when step begins and continue recording at the
specified rate at equal intervals. The fastest recording rate is
every 0.1 sec.
mode, if 1 point is specified, it will be recorded
just before the end of that step time. If 2 points are specified, they
will be recorded at the start and end of the step. If recording
interval is specified, then recording will start immediately when
step begins and continue recording at the specified rate at equal
intervals. The fastest recording rate is every 0.1 sec.
Stabilize (S)
The unit will run at specified
Run Time,
and then
check for stability of readings. The dial is considered stabilized if it
does not change more than 0.5 dial reading for 10 seconds.
When stability is reached, it will proceed to the next step.
However, the unit will continue indefinitely at that step if stability is
not achieved.
Peak (P)
The step runs for specified
Run Time
and the display shows the
peak value of dial reading during this run time.
Continuous (C)
The step runs for the specified
Run Time
and continues to the
next step.