The BIG storage policy concatenates a series of physical hard drives as a single large
volume; resulting in a seamless expansion of virtual volumes beyond the physical
limitations of singularly connected hard drives. BIG storage policy delivers maximum
storage space without a single large capacity and costly hard drive.
Hard drive A and B are concatenated into a single virtual volume in the Figure below
with a storage capacity that is equal to the sum of each of the physical hard drives A
and B.
It is also possible to create a BIG volume using only a single hard disk drive
connected to Port 0, and then increase the storage capacity of the volume later by
adding another hard disk drive to Port 1 and pressing the Mode Change pushbutton.
The new disk blocks of Port 1 will be concatenated to the end of the disk blocks of
Port 0, and any data that is stored on the existing BIG volume will be preserved.
However, it is not possible to expand an existing BIG volume by adding another hard
disk drive to Port 0 and still preserve any existing data on that volume.
The JBOD (Just a Bunch of Disks) storage policy enables each hard drive to be seen
separately as one drive. JBOD storage policy is for a standalone (non-cascaded)
Storage Processor or the top-level node of a cascaded configuration, but not for
subordinate nodes. In a JBOD configuration, each physical drive is directly exposed.