Com.X Administrator Guide
Page 210
Figure 130: Options available for configuring
Nagios monitoring on a port or a service.
Select “Disable active checks of this service” . This will prevent the Nagios
application from monitoring the service or port.
Thereafter, select “Submit passive check result for this service” and set the check
result to “OK”. This will set the status to “OK” until such time as active checks are re-
enabled and provide a different result.
6.19.5 Customised Monitoring and Reporting
Nagios offers an incredibly customisable platform. Scripts can be written to monitor
any thing of interest, and added to the Nagios application.
or click the “Documentation” link on
the Nagios web GUI.
Illustration 3: The
Documentation link
provides a link to the
documentation page of the
nagios website.
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Far South Networks