: Rinse Aid Indicator
- This LED icon will light up when the liquid level of rinse aid is low,it will turn
off automa cally when the rinse aid is replenished or the liquid level is set to
: Digital Display
- The digital display on the control panel shows the es mated program me.
When the program and the op on are selected, the display will show the
es mated total me to be consumed by the program running. During
opera on, the display shows the remaining es mated running me.
Tips :
• The program running me may be adjusted according to the dirt level of
: Child Lock Indicator
- Child lock can prevent se ngs from being changed during opera on. All
bu ons on the control panel except for the On/Off bu on will be locked by
selec ng this func on. This func on does not lock the door.
- While the program is running, you may press and hold the Program and
Delay Timer for 3s to ac vate or deac vate the child lock.
- Please disable the child lock func on in order to start a new program.
: Abnormal Water Inlet Indicator
- This icon will light up when the water inlet is abnormal (e.g.closed faucet or
water outage).
: Salt Indicator
- This LED icon will light up when salt is
insufficient, it will turn off automa cally when the salt is replenished.
- Since different salt brands in the market have different par cle sizes and
since the water hardness may vary, dissolu on of the salt in water may take a
couple of hours. Therefore, Salt Indicator remains on for a while a er adding
salt into the machine.
: Intensive Water Flow Indicator
- This icon will flash when the "Intensive" func on is selected.
: Delay Timer Indicator
- The display will show the delay me in the unit of hour if you select the
delay mer.