Revision date: 12.23.15
Getting Started
Below are the main steps to assemble your aquaponic system. Procedures
can occur simultaneously when assistants are available, or each procedure
can be completed before moving onto the next. In most instances, the site and
available space drive which procedures can be completed first before moving
onto the next. Review this entire guide before beginning to ensure that you
understand how to position and connect the different components.
1. Review this guide and all site layout diagrams and prepare the site.
2. Determine the positions of the tanks, float bed, and related plumbing. Allow
space all around the system components for maintenance and harvest
activities. View the layout diagram for a typical layout.
If you determine that the typical layout is not right for your
aquaponic needs, be aware that changes in this layout may require the
purchase of additional pvc tubing. Tubing can be purchased locally, or
contact your sales representative for additional details.
3. Construct the float bed as shown in the diagrams.
Float bed requires a
flat, level surface free of debris and obstructions.
Install and assemble
the frame according to instructions. Install the float bed liner.
4. Position the tanks and assemble and install the system plumbing.
Tanks when filled are heavy. Position tanks on a solid, level
surface. If a concrete floor is not present, use concrete blocks or similar
pavers to create a solid, level surface
for each of the holding tanks
5. Install the main water pump and connect pump to the tank plumbing.
Consult the services of a certified and competent electrician when
connecting the pump to power. Customer is responsible for supplying a
solid, stable mounting surface for the water pump.
6. Install the air pump, connect air stones, and place stones in tanks and
float bed.
Install air pump above the water level in the holding tanks to
prevent siphoning in the event that the air pump shuts down.
Customer is
responsible for supplying a solid, stable mounting surface for the air pump.
7. Fill system with water and check for leaks.
8. Prepare the biofiltration tank.
9. Read and follow the care and maintenance information.
1. Check all fittings, tubes, and pipes for leaks.
2. Check all pumps to ensure they are working properly.
3. Check water level in each tank. Verify that no water is flowing through the
overflow pipes. Adjust flow as needed and monitor the results.
4. Inspect all electrical connections and wires to the pumps for damage or
5. Clean solids from the primary filter over the biofiltration tank.
6. Check all water parameters.
7. Keep the area around the float bed and tanks clean and picked up. Do not
allow miscellaneous tools or maintenance and harvest equipment to stack
up against the tanks or float bed.
1. Clean all the air stones and check for a strong, even airflow through each
stone. Replace defective or damaged stones immediately.
2. Flush the in-tank standpipes. See procedure near the back of this guide.
3. Clean the secondary filter that sits atop the netting inside the biofiltration
tank. Remove, hose off, and set back into the tank.
1. Test water hardness.
2. Inspect all pump mounting bolts and mounts. Tighten and repair as