User’s manual FARO Laser Scanner LS
© 2007 FARO Scanner Production
Please make sure that the gear column is at the same end position in its
rotational freedom as before.
The scanner will now turn backwards and will stop several times to take a
picture on each stop.
The pictures are automatically transferred to the controlling computer and put
into the scan file.
7.4 Applying the pictures to the scan
The scan points aren’t colorized automatically after the scan has been taken. This
process has to be started manually.
The scanner based pictures are stored within the scan and can be seen in the
structure view.
Fig.20 Scan with pictures
Select the command Apply Pictures in the context menu of the scan. This will first
load the scan and all its pictures. Then it will remove any distortions from the
pictures. Finally it will add the color information to the scan points. Please don’t forget
to check the setting of Save modified scan points in the options and to save the scan
afterwards, this is not done automatically.
If you want to treat every scan in your scan folder that way, you can select the
command Apply Pictures in the context menu of the scan folder. In this case, the
scans are saved automatically afterwards if you have the correct setting of Save
modified scan points in the options.