MPANT Software
ComTec GmbH
The window of the MPANT program is shown here. It enables the full control of the MPA4(T) via
the server program to perform measurements and save data, and shows the data on-line in
several windows.
The server program MPA4.EXE automatically starts MPANT. If you try to start MPANT before the
server is started, a message box warns that you should start the server first.
MPANT has viewing capabilities for single- and two-dimensional spectra. For ROI's the ROISum,
Net sum and now also the mean counts per channel (i.e. ROISum divided by number of
channels) and the centroid is displayed (<x> for single spectra, <x> and <y> for two dimensional).
A single spectrum can be converted into a two-dimensional one by specifying the x dimension in
the display option dialog. It is possible to drag a rectangle and zoom into this rectangle.
Rectangular ROI's can be set and the ROISum and Net ROISum is displayed. The Net Sum is
calculated the same way like in the single view, by subtracting a linear interpolated background
from the both outmost channels in x-direction. This Net sums are then summed up in y-direction.
The ROI editing dialog is changed into a Rectangular Editing dialog for MAP and ISO displays.
The Cursor can be moved in x and y direction using the mouse and the arrow keys, in ISO
display only using the arrow keys.
A status window at the left side gives all information about the status of the MPA4. Below the
different counting rates you can see the present temperature of the board and main FPGA. It is
refreshed every minute. A "Data Lost" indicator shows if the FIFO was full at any time during an
acquisition, a progress bar shows how full the large FIFO presently is.
Fig. 6.1: MPANT main window