IL3 User’s Guide
page 96
Appendix L: Partition Capture (CAP) File Format
Partition Capture file format is a Fastec Imaging proprietary raw data format used to store image data
gathered by the IL3 in one “Session” into the camera’s built-in SSD drive. The session length is set by
the user (see “3-9 Storage Setup” on page 21) to any multiple of 256MB up to the memory capacity
of the camera, which is either 4GB or 8GB. The actual length of a recorded session may vary, however,
depending on whether the full allotment of pre-trigger frames were captured before the trigger was
asserted (see “Application Note 3: Trigger Position and the Circular Buffer” on page 64).
There are three major distinguishing benefits of CAP files:
1. CAP file transfer time from DRAM to SSD is the shortest of all of the uncompressed file types.
2. CAP files are the only files that may be copied back into DRAM from the SSD and played back
from the camera or on a PC via the camera.
3. CAP files are the only uncompressed single file format available from the camera.
Note: CAP files are only available on cameras with SSDs, SN A0 and higher.
Figure 8-14: CAP File Diagram