C P C 5 1 4 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 0 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 2
Ownership rights
This document contains information that is the property of Fastwel Group. It may not be copied or
transmitted by any known means, nor may it be stored in information storage and retrieval systems
without the prior written consent of Fastwel Group or one of its authorized agents. The information
contained in this document, to the best of our knowledge, is free from any errors, however, Fastwel
Group accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies and their consequences, as well as liability
arising from the use or application of any diagram, product or example given in this document.
Fastwel Group reserves the right to change and improve both this document and the product
presented inside of it at its discretion without any further notice.
Safety requirements
This Fastwel Group’s product is developed and tested for the purpose of ensuring compliance to
the electric safety requirements. Its design provides long-term trouble-free operation. The service
life of the product can be significantly reduced due to the improper handling during unpacking and
installation. Therefore, in the interests of your safety and in order to ensure proper operation of the
product, you should follow the recommendations below.