9600 BPS Faxmodem (250-3030) Command Summary Faxback Doc. # 5230
Dialing and Answering with the AT Commands Set:
This chapter describes your modem's command and communications modes and
the necessary guidelines needed to manually send commands to your modem. To
send commands to your modem, you must be running a communications program.
Because a full and complete explanation of each command would constitute a
small book, please refer to your manual for an in-depth explanation of
these commands.
Escape code: Switching from the Communications to the Command Mode
The escape code is the character sequence sent to your modem to switch it
from the communications mode to the command mode. When switching modes, the
modem does not disconnect from the phone line; It merely suspends the
transfer of information.
Wait at least 1 second without typing a character. Then type "+++" (without
the quotation marks.) Wait at least 1 second for the modem to acknowledge.
Your modem acknowledges by sending OK (or 0, if you turn off word result
The reason for the 1 second before and after wait sending the escape code is
to prevent accidentally switching modes. If you type anything within 1
second (the escape code guard time) of the escape code, your modem ignores
the escape code.
You can change the default values of the escape code and the escape code
guard time. The escape code is a single character you enter three times,
surrounded by a designated period of time.
Registers S2 and S12 hold the values for the escape code and guard time,
respectively. To change the default values, type "ATS2=X" or "ATS12=Y"
where "X" is the ASCII code for the character you want for the escape code
and "Y" represents the desired guard time in 1/50 second increments.
When you want to return to the Data Mode, type AT 0 or AT 01 and press the
Enter key. If you want to hang up, type ATH and press the Enter key.
IMPORTANT! Your FAX/MODEM also hangs up if the &D2 command is in effect and
it detects an ON-to-OFF transition on the Data Terminal Ready interchange
Command Syntax:
This section describes the various elements that make up all modem commands.
All commands must begin with the letters AT (short for "Attention") and
your modem uses these letters to automatically set the baud rate and the
parity. You can enter AT and all other commands in either upper or lower