Installing the Mobile Camera System
a) a camera-to-monitor extension cable that can be either
• one CAMCABLE-SHORT/-5/-10/-15/-20/-40
• two CAMCABLE-SHORT/-5/-10/-15/-20 connected in
series with adapter CAMCABLE-EXT
that is then connected to
• either the
input on the input/power/
trigger wiring harness (CAMADP-INT-2) of the CAM-
LCD-INT-56/CAMLCD-INT-70 monitor or
• one of the four camera inputs on the CAMBOX-4NTSC/
CAMBOX-4PAL control box (for use with the CAM-
LCD-70 monitor) or
• one of the four camera inputs on the input/power/trigger
wiring harness (CAMADP-INT-4) of the CAMLCD-
b) a special DVR system camera-extension cable that is connect-
ed to one of the four camera inputs on the CAMDVR-4-B
3. Drill the correctly sized holes at the drill-position marks for the
type of screws you are using:
a) If you are using the self-tapping screws, drill two 0.116 in
(3.0 mm) holes (a #32 drill bit can be used).
b) If you are using the machine screws, drill two 13/64 in
(5.2 mm) clearance holes.
4. Drill a 3/4 in (19.0 mm) hole at the mark for the camera output
cable. Smooth and deburr the hole.